Monday, May 18, 2015

What is Lifestyle Medicine?

We live in a world where we want a quick fix to a long term problem.  We wake up one day and find that we gained 20 (or 50 pounds) - and we want it gone tomorrow.  Except, we did not gain that weight literally over night, so we do we think we should lose it over night?  Because commercials and magazine covers tell us that we should.

We have no problem trying the latest fad diet - until we get tired of cabbage, or miss pasta, or have a stressful day at work.  Ask someone to eat less, actively reduce stress, or find some time to exercise - well, that's just crazy talk.  We have known for over 20 years that poor choices in eating, exercise and smoking lead to the leading causes of death in the US.  If we were to make better choices when it came to food, exercise, tobacco, stress, sleeping and socializing (that is, actually being social, not just pseudo-social through social media), we could prevent 80% of premature death.  

It should be easy enough, right?  Most of us enjoy spending time with people that we like.  No one wants to not be healthy.  Unfortunately, sometimes we need help making and sticking with healthy choices.  Evidence has shown us that intensive diet and exercise counseling can help improve health outcomes in people with risk factors for chronic disease.  Intensive.   Not a single trip to the doctor.  Not reading articles on the internet, especially ones written by people with questionable qualifications.  Instead, people need regular support and encouragement, coupled with good quality information.  This kind of support comes from frequent, regular visits with a health care professional, or from participation in something like one of my wellness groups.

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